SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University
Мы даем вам возможность достичь ваших целей
С нами вы приобретете именно те компетенции и навыки, которые необходимы для ваших следующих шагов. Мы активно сопровождаем и поддерживаем вас на протяжении всего вашего путешествия, помогая вам, когда это необходимо. Наша страсть побуждает нас помочь вам преуспеть как в учебе, так и в повседневной жизни, позволяя вам успешно и без забот вступить на свой уникальный путь.
О нас
Признанная государством SRH Fernhochschule - университет дистанционного обучения - специализируется на онлайн-обучении, которое подходит для работающих профессионалов. Являясь лидером в области дистанционного обучения, университет разработал модель обучения, которая обеспечивает максимальную гибкость и гарантирует отличный сервис. Наш инновационный онлайн-кампус (E-Campus) служит центром вашего обучения, позволяя вам добиваться успеха в любом месте и в любое время, одновременно справляясь с работой, обучением, семьей или спортивными обязательствами.
Наш университет предлагает на выбор 70 онлайн-программ бакалавриата и магистратуры, а также более 90 университетских сертификатов. Дополнительные очные занятия и экзамены проводятся в 21 учебном заведении. В настоящее время в крупнейшем университете федеральной земли Баден-Вюртемберг, который в 2024 году в шестой раз был признан самым популярным университетом дистанционного обучения в Германии, обучается более 12 000 студентов и участников сертификатов.
Как университет, аккредитованный системой и имеющий постоянное государственное признание, присуждаемый федеральной землей Баден-Вюртемберг, мы имеем знак качества Немецкого совета по аккредитации. Все дипломные программы и сертификационные курсы получили государственную аккредитацию.
Мы выведем вас на новый уровень
В Университете дистанционного обучения SRH мы предлагаем учебную программу, адаптированную к вашим уникальным потребностям, обеспечивая гибкость и индивидуальную поддержку, которая адаптируется к вашим жизненным обстоятельствам. В качестве вашего личного гида мы поддерживаем вас на каждом этапе пути, движимые нашей страстью к вашему успеху.
Your high-quality distance learning programme.
We offer you award-winning and internationally recognised study programmes. As a system-accredited university with permanent state recognition awarded by the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, all degree programmes bear the quality seal of the German Accreditation Council.
Top rating in the international QS ranking for SRH DLU
SRH Fernhochschule –The Distance Learning University is particularly pleased to be listed now with a top rating in the international "QS Stars" ranking. SRH DLU was able to score 5 out of 5 stars in the "Online Learning" category in the internationally acclaimed QS Stars ranking. A stamp that now also distinguishes the educational institution internationally as a quality leader in the distance learning market.
EFMD Global
Our university is a full member of EFMD Global, an international network of the European Foundation for Management Development. With almost 1,000 institutional members in over 90 countries, EFMD Global is the largest international network in the business and management sector. EFMD plays a central role in shaping the global approach to management education. The network provides its members with a forum for information, research and the sharing of best practice.
FIBAA seal “Excellence in Digital Education”
SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University is the first university to have been awarded the FIBAA seal “Excellence in Digital Education”. With the continuous changes in formats, the question of quality assurance is an essential one. Which standards are necessary in order to continue the new teaching and learning formats in a quality-assured manner? This is where FIBAA comes in and has developed the new certification “Excellence in Digital Education”. The new seal is based on the “Occasional Paper 26” of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) on the subject of “Considerations for quality assurance of e-learning provision” and development input from external experts from HE institution management as well as workshops of the FIBAA office on the subject.
Most popular distance learning university in Germany 2023
Thanks to our students’ high degree of satisfaction and a recommendation rate of 97%, SRH Distance Learning University has been named the “Most popular distance learning university in Germany 2023” by the FernstudiumCheck rating portal for the fifth time in a row. Scoring 4.56 out of a possible 5 stars, SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University clearly ranks number one in the overall rating. The students’ and graduates’ high level of satisfaction with the SRH Distance Learning University was particularly evident in the 97% recommendation rate.
Permanent state recognition
SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University is a state-recognised, privately funded university. After initially receiving 5-year and then 10-year recognition by the state, our university was awarded permanent state recognition by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts in 2020. As a result, we are one of the few private universities that enjoys permanent state recognition.
A carbon-neutral university
SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University, voted Germany’s most popular distance learning university for the fourth consecutive year in 2022, is a carbon-neutral university. In this way, we assume responsibility within our sustainability strategy and make a social contribution to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the goals of the Paris Agreement. Our university is one of the few carbon-neutral higher education institutions in Germany.
Our system-accredited university – your guarantee for top quality
We are system-accredited and bear the quality seal of the German Accreditation Council – which means that the excellent quality of our degree programmes is guaranteed, as is the recognition of your degree. The quality seal of the German Accreditation Council acknowledges the high standards of teaching and learning at our distance learning university. Moreover, we are entitled to use our tested quality assurance processes to accredit our degree programmes internally. You can therefore be sure that the degree you take will be up-to-date, application-oriented and methodologically tested. And you can rest assured that we plan, teach and assess according to certified processes.
The Foundation Accreditation Council is a joint institution of Germany’s federal states for quality assurance in learning and teaching at German universities.
ZEvA – Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
Evaluation and accreditation in teaching and learning, higher education governance and management are ZEvA’s main fields of activity.
ZEvA has confirmed the quality of our study programmes. Given the ongoing process of internationalisation, aspects concerning the international recognition of qualifications also play an increasingly important role in the accreditation process.
The Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS) ensures the quality assurance and professionalism of our Bachelor’s and Master’s distance learning programmes. The Agency came to the conclusion that our programmes are very good. AHPGS focuses on the accreditation of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in the fields of health and social sciences, as well as in other adjacent and related disciplines.
AHPGS also accredits internal quality control and assurance systems at universities and other institutions of higher education.
Партнерский университет спорта высших достижений
Адх и его партнеры инициировали проект «Партнерский университет спорта высших достижений» в 1999 году, чтобы дать возможность лучшим студентам-спортсменам совмещать учебу и соревновательные виды спорта. Являясь партнером АДХ, наш университет уже много лет является участником этого проекта. В результате мы даем возможность студентам успешно завершить академическое образование, несмотря на трудоемкий характер спорта высших достижений. Благодаря нашей гибкой модели обучения и обширной поддержке, которую мы оказываем нашим студентам в формировании их семестра, мы можем оптимально адаптировать вашу программу дистанционного обучения к вашему графику тренировок и соревнований.
Множественная аккредитация: дистанционное обучение в нашем университете
To maintain our high standard as a leader in quality distance learning, we regularly ask our students to rate our teaching and services – after all, we are keen to continuously improve.
Our students give us top marks in evaluations (as of 09/2020):
- for our personal support: grade 1.3
- for our teaching: grade 1.6
- for our study materials: grade 1.8
Regular graduate surveys demonstrate their high level of satisfaction with our university:
- 93% successfully complete their distance learning programme
- 96% are satisfied with the course they took and with the university as a whole
- 98% would recommend the study programme to others